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About me



  • 2022 - Present
    Volvo Group NA

    Intern (Co-op): Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

    • Implemented and automated a recommendation system for reductions of parts from the master database to clear the
    database based on a logic diagram provided by the manufacturing engineers, connected the program to a UI for an interactive and intuitive dashboard using Tkinter – the business value being cleaning of the database and reduction of unwanted parts by 20%

    • Using classification techniques, predicted the type of packaging using variables like weight, quantity, and demand to optimize floor space, implemented and trained a Neural Network for the same with an accuracy of 80%

    • Predicting the number of trucks that will go into float and that will go into fulltime through using time-series analysis models such as ARIMA/SARIMA, and LSTMs – with a confidence interval of plus or minus 5 trucks everyday which facilitates the manufacturing manager to make educated decisions for labor requirement everyday

    • Industrializing UR10e cobot at the gear and shaft area to reduce human effort and maximize efficiency

  • 2019 - 2019
    Honda Cars

    Project Intern

    • Worked with Honda’s Engine Assembly Line. Streamlined different autonomous systems for assembly of the engine.
    Worked in a team of 10 to rectify certain shortcomings of the existing robotic manipulator

    • Project: Designed an end effector (3DoF) for Honda Civic – Continuous Variable Transmission Engine Block
