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  • Viewed 697

About me


  • 2022 - Present
    University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

    Masters of Science: Computer Science

    Courses: Data Intensive Computing, Algorithm Analysis and Design, Information Retrieval, Blockchain Application Development.

  • 2016 - 2020
    GITAM University

    Bachelor of Technology: Computer Science and Engineering

    • An Active member in GITAM University Science and Activity Center hosting hackathons and tech events. • Environmental Activist, actively hosting 3hr for society programs by planting trees and promoting Sustainability every Sunday. • Learned the fundamentals of the web and have a strong knowledge in the web development.


  • 2020 - 2022

    Application Development Analyst

    • Back-end development using Kotlin with Javalin framework which involves writing APIs, and business logic using Data Structures and Algorithms. Actively participated in code reviews along with the team leads.
    • Understood the business logic of a given project phase from end to end, helped in decision making and provided
    multiple Knowledge Transfer sessions for the team members.
    • End-to-end testing and debugging of the HCM website for new functionalities, verifying the quality of each feature and ultimately providing the product demo to the clients.
    • Responsible for Quality Assurance prior to code deployment. Code making and code breaking along with creation of Automation scripts and test suites using Nightwatch.js for UI of the HCM website.

  • 2019 - 2019
    Krify Software Technologies Private Limited

    Software Development Intern

    • Developed a Handwritten-Character-Recognition — Web application using Machine Learning and Got hands-on experience on Data analysis and visualization with NumPy, Pandas, Neural elements and TensorFlow.
    • Researched various classification algorithms to create models which achieved more than 85% predictability on MNIST hand written digit dataset to recognize handwritten text and designed an interactive UI using bootstrap CSS to upload the picture and predict from the input given
