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About me


  • 2022 - 2023
    The State University of New York at Buffalo

    Master of Engineering and Applied Sciences – Robotics

    ➢ Relevant Coursework: Robotics-1, Robotics Algorithms, ROS, MATLAB, Control Systems and Design, Probability, Fundamentals of AI, Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Image Processing, Human-Machine Interaction, Deep Learning for Robotic Applications, Kinematics, Dynamics, Mechanisms, Structural Analysis, Actuators, Sensors, Data Structures, Robotic Frameworks/tools, Linux Operating System ➢ Robot Algorithms: Path Planning, SLAM, Localization, Mapping, Navigation, State Estimation, Obstacle Avoidance, Controls, Trajectory, Optimization, Deep Learning models, Decision-making, Kinematics/Dynamics, Reinforcement ➢ Deep Learning / Reinforcement Learning: Utilized Supervised Learning for classifying gestures from a user to understand the commands of user for an autonomous vacuum robot. Trained discrete/continuous behavior and continuous/discrete action Reinforcement Learning environments including Mujoco/Box 2D from Gym • Path Planner – Implemented A*, Dijkstra, BFS, DFS, RRT, RRT* path planning algorithms to plan from a User defined start to goal. • Classified predefined gestures using 1$ & Template based classifiers and controlled the robot’s actuation in ROS based on Gesture given by user. • Built Robot Vacuum cleaner using robot algorithms taking input from user and classifying using Template based classifier in V-rep using Python. • Built object identification and classified images from ImageNet using PyTorch library. • Expert in math topics like 3D geometry, Trigonometry, Coordinate Systems and Transformations that are foundation of Robotics. • Robot-wars: Constructed a multipurpose war robot to attack by 2 teeth drum at one end, and wedge from another end to defend, for competitions. • Displayed user input on LED display formed by a spinning ceiling fan, sensors and LEDs transmitting information wirelessly. • As a Leader of The Robotics Club for two semesters, revolutionize the club by collaborating with multiple Universities on research projects/ideas

  • 2015 - 2019
    Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University

    Bachelor of Technology, Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering

    Grade: 3.31 Activities and societies: Executive member of \The Robotics Club\ (TRC) Active member of \National Service Scheme\ (NSS)Activities and societies: Executive member of \The Robotics Club\ (TRC) Active member of \National Service Scheme\ (NSS) Active participant of Robotics Competitions and Fests Organized Robotics Competition -\Robowars\ at University


  • 2022 - Present

    Graduate Student Researcher

    • Achieving to collaborate with 9 other robots to explore 100 sq ft of area and map the environment effectively.
    • Developing a Multi-Robot Agent for collaborative mapping in dynamic environments.
    • Implemented motion planning algorithms for Spot robot using moveIt in ROS.
    • Utilized Google’s Cartographer for 3D mapping with LIDAR data.
    • Optimized algorithms for customized movements and efficient processing of complex tasks.
    • Deployed algorithms in Jetson controller of Spot Robot improving communication with external modules for MRA.

  • 2019 - 2021
    Accenture Innovation Center

    Research and Development Engineer

    • Created occupancy grid maps and network maps using LIDAR and stereo camera data.
    • Developed obstacle avoidance for warehouse ground vehicle robots, achieving 2x solve time improvements.
    • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless integration with hardware components.
    ➢ Recognized with ACE award for innovative solutions and \Best Performer of the Month\ for project contributions.

  • 2021 - 2022
    Tata Services

    Software Engineer

    • Improved ACC modules: Motion Planning, Path planning to satisfy system requirements and optimized performance using libraries.
    • Worked on Non-Linear paths using customized Motion Planning libraries to reduce response time and increase accuracy.
    • Developed Vision algorithms to identify lanes from Vehicle’s rear camera.

  • 2021 - 2022
    Surya Solutions (Restaurant Innovation)


    • Developed path planning algorithms for wheeled and quadruped robots in a restaurant setting.
    • Implemented A-star and Dijkstra algorithms for path planning.
    • Designed and verified PID controllers for wheeled robots, achieving 28% collision reduction.
    • Utilized IMU, ultrasonic sensors, AutoCAD, and ROS for robot design and implementation.

  • 2018 - 2019

    Robotics Intern

    • Developed autonomous swarm robots using a master-slave approach.
    • Performed Forward and Inverse Kinematics, integrated circuitry with SLAM for robot coordination.
    ➢ Awarded as the best intern, reduced collision incidents by 90%.

  • 2017 - 2019
    Defense Research and Development Organization

    Research Assistant

    • Developed an HRI platform for a six-DOF robotic arm to fix missile connectors.
    • Applied CV algorithms on 3D printed materials for selective pick and place operations.
    ➢ Recognized with letters of appreciation from DRDO Director and university research dean
