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  • Viewed 213

About me



  • 2021 - 2022
    Oracle — Oracle Cloud

    Senior Software Engineer | Java, Spring Boot, JavaScript, React

    • Worked in Oracle Data Cloud to develop an application called Campaign Hub and Direct Mail Work Flow, which
    targets the best individuals for advertising using technologies like Java, Spring Boot, React, JavaScript,
    Micro-services, Docker, and Kubernetes. Moreover, I have experience creating pipelines in Git Lab for Continuous
    Integration and deployment.
    • Developed an application that takes all the feedback from customers/ clients using the Oracle Cloud and performs
    Sentiment analysis to understand the responses using Natural language processing.

  • 2020 - 2021
    Pegasystems — Platform

    Software Engineer | Java, Spring Boot, JavaScript

    • Built an application to identify duplicate(s) from the user data, bulk imports using Bloom filter-based approach to
    the efficient way of identifying the duplicates
    • Proposed a design for a highly efficient search engine using inverted indexing and Levinstein-Distance algorithm,
    which also involved building a Trie with all the metadata generated to make efficient querying.

  • 2017 - 2019

    Software Engineer | Java, Spring Boot, JavaScript, SQl, Shell script

    • Developed an application that deals with the benefits, earnings, and deductions of Kroger employees and
    Non-Employees using technologies like Java, Spring Boot, and Spring Data JPA.
    • Built the application to generate and send the WFP reports from the centralized database(IBM DB2) to vendors.
    Used technologies like Java, SQL, and Shell scripting.
