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About me



  • 2019 - 2022

    Build Software Engineer (Backend Developer)

    Nov 2020 – Feb 2021 | Build Software Engineer (Backend Developer) At Fleet Management Team, KPIT
    Monitoring tools used: Prometheus, Kibana.
    • Asset Management Platform- Developed a microservice to roll out updates to a fleet of vehicles and also to manage the life cycle of campaigns- RBAC via OAUTH 2.0 using keycloak.
    • Created microservices using Jhipster framework written in Java using Postgresql Database. Worked on spring JDBC, JPA and wrote native queries for returning the response directly through the Database.
    • Covered Integration Tests using Spring Framework and E2E using cucumber Framework.

    Sep 2020 – Oct 2020 | Build Software Engineer(Mobile Developer, Cloud Engineer) At Connected Travel Team, KPIT
    • BMW client POC- Worked on IOS Frontend and with AWS Cloud asthe backend. Developed Rest API’s in Python for managing the vehicle content posted by the Vehicle Head Unit.
    • Developed an IOS App that would display content related to the current paired vehicle, with appropriate payment information related to users along with integrated content actions with SDKs like Apple Music,
    Spotify, Ticket Master.

    Jul 2020 – Aug 2020 | Build Software Engineer(Mobile Developer, Cloud Engineer) At Porsche Analytics Team, KPIT
    • Developed the Analytics Platform; this collected datasets used for processing through Frontend which is developed in Angular. The collected data is then used for model training and generating result visualization, which will be stored in DynamoDb. The generated model is then used to predict new data.
    • Did the automation of generating training models using Docker Containerization. This resulted in use of spot EC2 instances reflected with 70 – 80% reduced costs. Created Rest API’s in Python using the serverless Framework. Worked with AWS services like AWS Batch, ECS, IAM, S3, Cognito, ECR.

    Aug 2019 – Jun 2020 | Software Engineer(Web Developer, Cloud Engineer) At Pioneer Team, KPIT

    • Worked as Backend Developer using AWS technologies. Created Rest API’s using AWS API Gateway and
    Lambda functions written in Java using MySql Database. Created Python and Bash scripts for deleting unnecessary AWS resources that are generated from Automated tests.
    • Covered Unit test with JUnit Framework. Worked with AWS services like SQS, SNS, S3, Cloudformation, Cloud Watch, Cognito.
    • Worked as Frontend developer in Angular Framework using Typescript. AWS was used as Cognito SDK; as backend for authentication in Portals. Created Angular Reusable Libraries across different Portals.
    • Covered Unit and Automation testing with Jasmine and Protractor Framework.

    Jul 2018 – Jul 2019 | Software Engineer Trainee (IOS App Developer, Backend Developer) At Maximus Pro Team, KPIT
    • Worked as IOS Developer of Maximus Pro App and communicated the navigation information to Hardware using Low Energy Bluetooth connection.
    • Used Google Maps Apis for navigation and added Secure Authentication Flow OAuth to App. was also involved in bug fixing of backend REST microservices which are written in Java. (This service also
    provides useful statistics using the data collected from the android/ios app (gps data, bike data) via sockets.)


    Build Software Engineer (Mobile Developer, Cloud Engineer) At Connected Travel Team, KPIT

    • BMW client POC- Worked on IOS Frontend and with AWS Cloud asthe backend. Developed Rest API’s in Python for managing the vehicle content posted by the Vehicle Head Unit.
    • Developed an IOS App that would display content related to the current paired vehicle, with appropriate payment information related to users along with integrated content actions with SDKs like Apple Music, Spotify, Ticket Master.

  • 2017 - 2017

    Intern (Windows Application Developer) At Roll Shop Management Team

    • Developed the windows application using Microsoft Visual Studio .Net in C#,Visual Basic for helping employees to track and manage roll shop operations by role based restrictions.
    • Helped in Data synchronization across multiple remote sites through the SQL Server and local database using SQLite.

  • 2016 - 2016

    Intern (Embedded Developer)

    • Tracking Real Time Vehicle using GPS and GSM,with a group of 3, we designed a circuit board by soldering the LCD-Display, Regulated Power Supply on the board.
    • The circuit involved the 8051 as a microcontroller, which was coded in C language for tracking the Vehicle Location. Tools used are Keil-μVision, flash adapter for 8051.
