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About me



  • 2023 - Present
    University at Buffalo, Buffalo

    Graduate Teaching Assistant

    • Facilitating lectures reviews, & recitations for Problem-Solving with Algorithms in Python (CDA 500) and Introduction to
    Python (EAS 503), both classes of over 250 students.
    • Teaching Python and SQL in lab exercises twice a week to enhance students’ programming and problem-solving skills.
    • Collaborating with other instructors in designing assignments and communicating students’ requirements.

  • 2019 - 2022
    S. J. Varmora BBA & BCA Mahila College, Gujarat, India

    Research Assistant Professor

    • Analyzed government databases by utilizing data-wrangling and modeling techniques to assess female education policies.
    • Conducted systematic review and cleaning of data utilizing the DistillerSR platform on policy documents.
    • Provided data-driven insights to policymakers for strategically restructuring the education budget that prioritizes women.
    • Delivered lectures for a class of Quantum Mechanics, classical mechanics, and statistics for final year bachelor students.
    • Instructed undergraduate students on Electromagnetism, Heat Transfer, and Wave Optics, with each class of 180 students.

  • 2017 - 2019
    The M. S. University of Baroda, India

    Graduate Research Assistant

    • Collected data from Google Scholar and Scopus, comprising more than 2000 publications and citation records of Physicists.
    • Investigated and explored Citation Indices to quantify research output of Physicists.
    • Calculated various indices and compared those to measure scientific productivity of physicists which were greater than 90%.
