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About me


  • - 2023
    The State University of New York at Buffalo,

    MS in Computer Science

  • - 2020
    VIT University, Vellore Institute of Technology

    Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science

    Top 5% of the class in Problem Solving and Object-Oriented Programming classes. Relevant courses – Object oriented programming – c/c++/Java, Database management systems, OS, ML, Web Programming.


  • 2023 - 2022
    TATA Consultancy Services – TCS Digital, Bangalore, India

    System Engineer

    • Developed an NLP model to optimally convert code from one syntax to another, finding ambiguities and resolution, Achieved
    an accuracy of 88% for Cobol to Java for over 10 million lines of code.
    • Invented a script to map and create all different variables, removed multiple duplicated variables in project code.
    • Migrated Western Union’s money transfer solution from Cobol to Spring Java Microservice, re-designed and designed
    architecture of WillCallStore (WCSTOX) program’s solution by collaborating with 10+ teams, transactions from 50+ countries.

    • Developed WCSTOX Program from scratch, validates and stores all money order records in postgres and connecting data-
    stream via Kafka, managing configurations of multiple Kafka topics, Devised common encryption layer for all user sensitive

    • Steered team of 10 new developers and resolved task of stitching code piece by piece, reporting to higher management.

  • 2020 - 2020
    TATA Consultancy Services, Bangalore, India

    Systems Engineer Intern

    • Collaborated at CMA (Cloud Microservices Amplification) Department, supported team building a large-scale solution for a
    global enterprise, with server-side load balancing – Netflix OSS, Spring Boot, Angular 7, MySQL, Ribbon.

  • 2018 - 2019
    Freelancer on Upwork

    Full Stack Developer

    • Monitored Network data packets on Wireshark for Android 9 – Pie, dual acceleration technology (Wifi and mobile data), tested
    multiple devices with it and finding bugs and unsupported apps by proper network packet captures on Wireshark.
    • Debugged and wrote testcases for Nougat-dual acceleration technology- Junit, Mockito and Espresso.
