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  • Viewed 688

About me



  • 2022 - 2022
    Centillion Solutions LLC

    Robotics Intern

    • Installed Petalinux firmware on Xilinx. Researched about Vision-AI in FPGA Xilinx board leveraging face, person detection and tracking. Customized AI model encapsulating hardware and software components implementing accelerators.

    • Acquired solutions for bugs that altered the output in Petalinux OS and were able to display it as a product for the clients.

    • Maintained records of PCBs and other electronic components for the company and designed board cases using CAD.

  • 2021 - 2022
    University at Buffalo

    Graduate Researcher

    • Conceptualized Robotic Prosthetic wrist control operating Machine Learning.

    • Developed Virtual Reality simulation of the prosthetic arm in Mujoco physics engine, with Vicon Motion Capture System. Researched data collection of individual persons’ performance of hand muscle movements deploying EMG signals.

  • 2019 - 2021
    Dell EMC

    Associate Consultant 2

    • Collaborated as a team and received the “Excellent Team Work Award” for improvising project tasks in the Citrix environment. Migrated events from MS Outlook 2010 to the O365 platform and used azure cloud solutions.

    • Devised algorithms across various robotics disciplines e.g. localization, planning, and perception across the full design lifecycle: requirements, code, test and integrate.

    • Structured VDI environment for PNC Bank, Worley, and Goldman Sachs as a Client for Dell EMC. Migration of Exchange and shared mailboxes, upgrading of windows servers for improved functionality and ease of use.

    • Compiled programming skills in PowerShell and Python Coding for automation reduced the manual process time and increased the efficiency by 60%.

  • 2017 - 2018
    Wipro Technologies

    Project Engineer

    • Delivered for ABB as a client handling all applications. Adding and revoking machines from the domain. Managing account accessibility through Active Directory. Installation and troubleshooting of SCCM and client software.

    • Engaged with modern software architecture and tools such as databases, containerized application deployment, micro-services, and source control. Coding in Java and Python Programming languages.
