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About me



  • 2022 - 2022
    New Horizons Studio, Hyundai America Technical Centre Inc.

    Mechatronics/Software Engineering Intern

    • Researched various off-the-shelf sensors to measure Force & Moments at each joint of the Ultimate Mobility Vehicle.
    • Designed and developed experiments in MuJoCo (Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact) simulator and ROS2.
    • Analyzed load (Ground Reactionary Force) profile captured from the force plates and compared it with simulation to check the reliability of the simulation data which eventually helped the Mechanical team to set margins for their FEA analysis
    • Configured custom-built motors using Twin CAT as EtherCAT master and Motion Lab software and verified its performance in the position, velocity, and current control modes.
    • Developed a Remote Access System to operate the test-bench vehicle and visualize it on Rviz/MuJoCo from the Lab
    • Installed, troubleshoot, and documented the bring-up guide for the Real-Time hardware supported Intel NUC with Debian 11 OS and pre-built docker image of the software system.

  • 2022 - 2022
    Audubon Racing – F1TENTH Autonomous Racing, UB

    Software Integration Engineer

    • Collaborated with a team of 10 to build an Autonomous race car to compete in 10th F1 Tenth Grand Prix Organized by IROS.
    • Configured the VESC, Lidar and Intel RealSense D435 camera with Jetson Xavier NX and Jetson Nano.
    • Tuned the PID parameters for VESC to achieve a close-to ideal step response.
    • Developed and deployed a Safety Node on the car to prevent it from crashing while trying new algorithms.
    • Implemented various algorithms like VFH, Wall-follow and reactive methods like Find-the-gap in simulator and on car.
