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    New York, United States. Open to relocate.
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About me



  • 2019 - 2022
    Infosys Limited, India

    Software Development Engineer

    Analytics Workbench
    ● Engineered a scalable Web application using Java, Spring Boot, Angular (Typescript), SQL, HTML to automate building
    models in the Data Science Life Cycle for Financial & Retail Based Clients, freeing up 80% data preparation time.
    ● Orchestrated the streamlining of backend code testing process using Java JUnit testing, achieved 91% Coverage.
    ● Designed and implemented RESTful APIs using Spring Boot, adhering to best practices for resource modeling and HTTP
    ● Employed Spring Data JPA to streamline and optimize database interactions, enhancing data retrieval and persistence
    operations for improved system efficiency.
    ● Optimized API response times, reducing average page load time from 300 ms to 50 ms, resulting in a 500% improvement in
    user experience of Administration Module.
    Customer Insights Genome Solutions
    ● Implemented Python-based API service with well-designed microservice architecture to automate the generation of SQL
    scripts using DBT from large datasets to investigate 2M+ customers’ interests.
    ● Engineered IAM architectural change using Angular, led to consistent & responsive User Interface for 50+ Infosys Products.
    ● Spearheaded implementation of security module for Infosys Solution platforms using OAuth2.0 and Keycloak.
    ● Facilitated containerization & deployment of project with Docker on Azure VM, generating $100M for US-based Retailer.

  • 2019 - 2019
    Infosys Limited, India

    Software Development Engineer Intern

    Brick to Roof (Online Real Estate Website)
    ● Refactored Legacy Real Estate Website to Cross-platform user-friendly web application utilizing Java Spring Boot (Model
    View Controller) and Angular v6, improved the overall user experience.
    ● Designed new features including listing new properties, agent dashboard, market trends to expedite the process of
    purchasing/selling property, reducing manual service time by 20-25%.
    ● Mentored a team of 5 people as Scrum Master and implemented Agile Project Management.
