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  • Viewed 41

About me



  • 2021 - 2023
    Hexagon Capability Center India Pvt. Ltd

    Senior Software Engineer

    • ADNOC Centralization Project: Upgraded Smart3D Databases from lower version to the latest version
    • CS Impianti Pipe Supports: Developed 3D complex piping supports using C#.NET
    • Developed tools and utilities in WinForms, C#.NET, and Python to expedite the process and automate it
    • Worked with project managers, developers, quality assurance, and customers to resolve technical issues
    • Planned and developed interfaces that simplified overall management and offered ease of use
    • Led training for clients as subject matter expert

  • 2019 - 2021
    Hexagon Capability Center India Pvt. Ltd

    Software Engineer

    • Oglaend Project: Developed 3D Hangers and Supports for Piping, Cable Tray, Duct Objects in C#.Net
    • Hilti Project: Developed 3D Symbols and Supports for Piping, Cable, Duct Supports in C#.Net. Also developed a Custom Command to automatically detect the structure near by a support
    • Hilti PROFIS: Developed 3D Symbols for Cable Trays in C#.Net
    • Exhibited strong technical aptitude and application expertise resulting in optimized performance, continuous improvement recommendations and product innovation
    • Led trainings for clients as subject matter expert
    • Worked with software development and testing team members to design and develop robust solutions to meet client requirements for functionality, scalability, and performance

    • Served as subject matter expert on programming in 3D Symbol development using C#.NET for both clients and internal team members
