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About me


  • - Present
    University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

    Master's Data Science

    GPA: 3.42/4 Courses: Statistical Learning, Machine Learning, Data Driven Analysis, Data Mining, Computer Vision, Image Processing.

  • 2020
    Mumbai University, Pillai College of Engineering, New Panvel

    Bachelor's Computer Engineering

    GPA: 7.75/10 Courses: Big Data Analytics, Natural Language Processing, Cloud Computing, Data structures, Analysis of Algorithms.


  • 2022 - 2022
    Revolutionary Integration Group Inc, CT, USA

    Data Analytics/Science Intern

    • Led a group of three in the Vehicle Trust Project. Constructed a prototype for fraudulent vehicle insurance claims.
    • Utilized data set from simulated car CAN bus data to detect braking distance and estimated braking quality of car with help of spec curves.

  • 2019 - 2019
    Sahoo Technologies, Mumbai, India

    Web Developer Internship

    • Developed dynamic websites using PHP, HTML and JavaScript to showcase an enterprise project.
    • Led entire process of project in design, development, beta-testing and deployment management. Coordinated with 3 engineers in process of hosting a website and storing files using AWS S3.
