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About me



  • 2023 - 2023
    SUNY Buffalo

    Senior Research Assistant

    Automated Patient Interview Analysis Tool (Mellowing Minds Study)
    ● Designed and implemented software tool to infer stress reduction ways for corresponding medical symptoms by applying
    k-means clustering with BERT model on interview data, involving 200 patients study data
    ● Developed a module for treatment assessment using feature extraction and topic modeling for 500+ patients’ illness categories
    ● Monitored performance by conducting hypothesis testing and correlation analysis improving patient recovery time by 55%

  • 2020 - 2022
    Tatras Data Pvt Ltd

    Associate Data Scientist

    B2B Content Intelligence Advanced Recommender Systems
    ● Leveraged NLP techniques and Elasticsearch to engineer hybrid recommender systems, leading to 200% increase in site traffic
    ● Created and Integrated data processing modules using techniques like word2vec, BERT, LDA and TF-IDF, and built algorithm
    selection tool to optimize performance, achieving 70% improvement in content relevance
    ● Implemented scalable recommender API as a microservice enabling multi-client compatibility through containerization with
    Docker and orchestrated deployment using K8, revenue exceeding $20 million for each client

  • 2017 - 2020
    Tata Consultancy Services

    Systems Engineer

    BaNCS Swift Messages Interface
    ● Built sustainable Interfaces (Position & Trade) for CitiBank & Société Générale on Java, with capacity load of 100k trades per day
    ● Played a key role by collaborating to develop Unix scripts with DevOps team, executing Oracle DB migration for 300+ tables
    ● Executed back-end rules with Java and RabbitMQ for secure tunnel processing of SWIFT messages and RIC & REIT securities

  • 2019 - 2019
    Sabudh Foundation

    Software & Data Science Intern

    Punjabi Information Report Insight Engine
    ● Collaborated with Punjab police to produce software that analyzes Punjabi language FIRs using OCR Tesseract, identifying
    high-risk zones and aiding in a 50% accident reduction
    ● Led a team to automate the process of determining the cause of FIRs using NLP and Punjabi embeddings, achieving an analysis
    rate of 100 FIRs per hour
